Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"So give your servant a discerning heart..." 1 Kings 3:9

For awhile now, at our church here in Byram (RRBC) we've been going through the bible; book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse and it has been an amazing journey for me! No matter how many times I have read the books of the bible in the past or read or heard sermons preached on certain scripture, this has been probably the most beneficial in truly understanding His Word. I know that he probably would say that I shouldn't give him any credit, but I have to say that our Pastor Jonathan Russell has really taken us deep into the Word, in truly understand verse by verse. 

Tonight, we started into 1 Kings and King Solomon's reign....WOW! And I'm reminded yet again that even today you can learn so much from people who lived so long ago.  I love that when God appeared to Solomon in a dream saying, "Ask for whatever you want me to give you.", that King Solomon didn't ask for riches or a long life, but that he asked God for WISDOM! I could only hope and pray that if asked the same question by God, that I would have the same response as King Solomon.  That is my prayer: that I would seek the wisdom from God that King Solomon sought and God gave him.

And as a family we ask that you pray for us tomorrow, as Trey and I will be traveling to Amite, LA to meet with the personnel committee again at a church there for a Student Ministry position that they are looking for Trey to fill.  They are so excited about us as a couple, about Trey and his vision for the student ministry, and about our future mission work in Africa.  This church is earnestly seeking God, and we def. have seen that when we were there only a 2 weeks ago, so please pray for them also.  We can't imagine leaving our church family here, but we know they are excited for the road God is taking us on and the future He has for us both on and off the mission field!


Anonymous said...

Praying for your family. Really hoping things work out. I have enjoyed having you here both times. I can really see GOD at work. I would love to have your entire family as part of our church, not to mention having more family close by!
Love ya!

The Fuller Family said...

We have also really enjoyed our visits to Amite, we def. can see that God is working in a mighty way in the life of your church. We're praying for God's will to be done for us and for the church! I have really enjoyed getting to know ya'll too! Love ya!