Tuesday, March 9, 2010

"But the fruit of the Spirit is...PATIENCE..." Gal. 5:22

PATIENCE...what a great word and topic for our life lately!

(Hey there the name is Ashley Fuller....(chuckle)...this blog is def. not new it's just a new update in almost a year, and that is pretty embarassing.  My life is def. not too hectic that I can't sit down for a few minutes every other day and post a blog to keep our loved ones that aren't able to see us on a regular basis, updated.  So, I must start by thanking my sis Mer and my friend Tonya for non-intentionally motivating me (by well, nothing they said, but just keeping up with their own blogs while life continues around them)...so thank you gals!)

PATIENCE....patience for waiting on God's will, waiting for a moment to pass, waiting for an answer that might come in another form.  Since, our last post we have gone through a lot as a family; moments that were cheerful, sad, and sometimes just everyday moments that make you think "Wow! We are so blessed!"  I'll take note from Tonya and kind of just lay it out for ya'll:

Life was crazy trying to get the girls on similar schedules and asking God for the patience to get through each moment and count each one as a TRUE blessing! Hannah and Noelle enjoyed their first summer together: swimming, playing at the park, Noelle's first airplane ride, Hannah got potty trained-yea! My brother got married in June to his amazing wife Jacki, and I'm so glad the girls have another wonderful Aunt!

What a whirl-wind of life! Trey and I started our non-profit org. Mayatima International Ministries (building an orphanage in Kenya) and just being patient that God's timing is EVERYTHING! He has already done so much through the organization: Trey took a trip to Africa and God showed Him so many things concerning the orphanage and our future there in Kenya! My husband turn 28 and I turned 24...28 and 24 ya'll-that's not old I'm jsut saying I can't believe it's been 3 yrs. since we first met! Noelle had her 1st...well everything and Hannah just seemed to grow up too fast for us...Each and everyday there was something new that Noelle and Hannah did that just gave us so much joy...still does!


A very specialwomen: wife, mother, mother-in-law, and grandmother passed away...Teresa Fuller (Trey's mom) passed away on January 23rd after her long battle with Breast Cancer and I guess we're still being patient when it comes to the sadness of having her gone.  But don't get us wrong, we REJOICE in knowing that she is in Heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ, cancer free! Amen!

Oh, to some it's the month of Valentine's Day but to our family it's the month of special birthdays!  Noelle turned ONE YEAR OLD on the 19th...wow what a fast year it seems...I think I need to be patient with myself in thinking "What will she be like when she's Hannah's age?" I need to let the time go by, I'm already asking where the past year went! Teresa (mawmaw's) birthday was on the 26th and she would have been 51, and we celebrated her being with Jesus!

Ok, so you get how Patience is so much a part of our life, as are all the fruits of the Spirit! May God continue to instill patience in me to be the best God honoring wife and mother I can be!  And we pray that our children learn by our example...I already see Hannah imitating me, as she loves to pretend to put on make-up like mommy does, or take care of her little sister the way mommy and daddy do....she'll be TWO on the 14th and I can't believe it....TWO!

Well, we are so blessed to have such a wonderful family and group of friends! Please keep us in your prayers as God continues to work in the life of our family, showing us His goodness and love!

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