Thursday, March 18, 2010

"He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God..." Psalm 40:3

Right now, I'm in the middle of the study of David-90 Days with a Heart Like His by Beth Moore, and I'm loving every minute of it. So many people talk about those that they admire from the bible. Don't get me wrong, I admire a lot of the individuals in the bible such as Esther for her courage, Hannah for her faithfulness, Paul for his steadfastness, and the list can go on and on, hopefully I'll have chances to mention them in upcoming blogs. Today though it's about David, other than admiration there is respect and just a sense of "awe". His 'humaness' when it comes to making mistake after mistake after mistake and you just want to be able to say "dude, are you serious..again?" but then it sometimes would almost seem like 'it's the pot calling the kettle black' right? Great example of how relevant scripture is today and I've taken so much from his life and walk with God. It seems that every time I read about him in scripture, time after time, God is revealing so many new things to me. Just recently, I remember how in awe of him I was when I was reading about him and his son and how he was crying (literally weeping) and crying out for the son who had just tried to kill him after taking over his (David's throne) but was killed, himself...."O my son Absalom, my son, my son Absalom! Would I had died instead of you, O Absalom, my son, my son." A father truly grieving the loss of his own flesh and blood, not concerned that just days before Absalom sought to kill him....So, how is that relevant to me you might ask? Well, I want to be like David, to have the heart that he did as a always love my children, no matter how many things they may do to me or to others or how many times they may sin, a NO MATTER WHAT love (the love that God has for us, that David had for Absalom)....I think I have that love, but to live daily to strive to have that love and continue that...May my love for my Lord God overflow to my husband and children, that they may see my NO MATTER WHAT LOVE!

Update on the family: My voice came back, almost completely now (I'm sure Trey loves that!) and Hannah went to the doc on Mon. and got medicine for her ear infection (and now no more fever, appetite is back)! Since we didn't really get a chance to celebrate on Sunday because Hannah wanted nothing to do with the cake, only presents, we let her eat cake Monday morning after breakfast because she wanted to and...well IT'S HER BIRTHDAY WEEK! We also had a few good friends over on Wed. to finish off the cake for us. Billy, Anna, Ethan, and Bennett and Victoria came over and we had a great time just fellowshipping with one another. We are really blessed to have such good friends so close, especially with not having any of my family near by, it's def. comforting! Thanks for a fun time last night...we love ya'll!

"Deeda Cake"
Hannah hated blowing the candles out
Hannah's upset
Mmmm cake
Cake after breakfast!
Trying to get them to smile at the same time...what a mess
So sweet
I love this picture!
What a thing chunky monkey
Love this one!
Trying to escape!
This is my favorite!
Ethan and Hannah
Bennett and Noelle
Billy and Anna and the kids
Victoria, Me, and Anna

Sunday, March 14, 2010

"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

So, today March 14th is one of our little girls birthdays, Hannah Elizabeth turned 2 yrs old today! It seems like it was only yesterday that Trey and I were making our way down to West Penn Hospital at 10:30 at night, only to have called my parents to let them know that we felt it was time (Hannah was coming!) and my dad laughed and said "Call me when you're on your way home later tonight" the next morning we made a believer out of him (as he waited with coffee in hand in the waiting room) while Hannah Elizabeth Fuller was born!  The past 2 years have been PURE JOY when it comes to Hannah (when it comes to both of our children) and I think one of the greatest joys is seeing Hannah with Noelle...they love each other so much and they always make us laugh! We love being parents, but more than that...WE LOVE BEING HANNAH AND NOELLE'S MOMMY AND DADDY-it's our favorite!!!

Today though was bittersweet, the whole family has been sick and Hannah especially wasn't feeling very well (barely eating much at all and wanting nothing to do with her birthday cake), BUT we did a little celebrating and with that I have some pictures! Hopefully tomorrow we'll have more pics with the cake, but for now this is all that we have:

THIS TRUELY IS A DAY TO REJOICE!!!! Happy 2nd Birthday Hannah Elizabeth, we love you!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

As for me, I said, "O Lord, be gracious to me; heal me, for I have sinned against you!" Psalm 41:4

I saw the light for the first time today, it seems.  Thursday I woke up, felt fine, Trey and I went to Amite in the afternoon for a 2nd interview with a church there that's looking at Trey for their Student Minister Position...which went GREAT...GOD IS SO GOOD! But on our way home that night, the way I was feeling just starting declining, and by the time I hit the sack that night I was a complete mess...coughing like crazy, my head was pounding, and I was losing my voice.  Trey woke up at 2:30 am Friday morning, only to find me on the floor in front of the toilet, we all know what that means (no need to go into more details).  So, my loving husband searched the house for medicine to remedy my ailments, only to find we were he then graciously got in the car and drove down to Kroger, where he bought (what seems to be) the whole shelf of dayquil/nightquil.  Thankfully, it seems I'm getting better...slowly but surely! And praise the Lord that my children didn't catch it either, although I have to credit Trey with some of that seeing that he's been practically taking care of them alone for the 2 days or so, and it has been a blessing to be able to stay in bed and not have to worry about things!

Well, enough SICKLY talk....God is a healing God and I pray that He continues to heal my body.  I know that I don't deserve His healing one bit, seeing that I fall short daily when it comes to my walk with Him.  So, "Thank you, Lord for seeing ALL my needs and still being willing to meet them even though I know there is no way I can/could ever repay you fully for all that you do for me!"

Back to seeing the light; we had to get out and go to the store...did I just say had to? Wow, ususally the trips to the store are more because we want to, but today we actually kind of had to  (or so we think)....Hannah's 2nd birthday is tomorrow and we had to get a few things.  I can't believe how fast the past 2 years seem to have flown by, she's so big!  Everyday I stop and just thank God for what an amazing family He has given me, and what incredible children He is allowing us to raise!

So, let me tell you a little bit about Hannah these days:  She weighs 23 lbs, her hair is now long enough that she doesn't look like she has a mulet, she loves Dora the Explorer (she loves talking to her and she's getting good at answering her q's...that is the only show she can watch....i'm not big on kids and tv at all), she loves singing songs like "Jesus Loves Me", "Are you Sleeping", "Itsy Bitsy Spider", and many others, she loves dancing (and not the usual baby bouncing up and down dancing)...she does the side to side hip dancing ALL THE TIME especially when naked, she loves praying (and if we forget before any meal, she reminds us saying "Pray Pray, Pray we Eat" so cute), and she loves her little sister "No Elle"....even though she wacks her sometimes and knocks her over a lot, if Noelle isn't around she always says "Where No Elle, where No Elle at?"  We just love our little almost 2 yr old and we'll post pics of the two of them tomorrow from Hannah's Dora Party!

Thank you to anyone and everyone that's been a special part of Hannah's life in the past 2 yrs., it has been nice to have the support of family and friends when raising our children! We love ya'll (you know who you are!) and wish ya'll could all be a part of her special day tomorrow!

Here is a look at the past 2 yrs + of Hannah Elizabeth Fuller: