Monday, September 29, 2008


Each and everyday, it seems another memory is made, another reminder of how much of a blessing Hannah Elizabeth is in our lives! It was so much fun last week to take her to go get her 6 month pictures taken (yes! I know it's past 6 months...o well) anyways it was a blast! Mom went with us, since her and dad were leaving on Saturday and we wanted to get a generation picture taken with us three gals too! Trey and I had were so excited watching Hannah laugh and cry, smile and look so cute with her "puppy dog" look during the photo session! Anyways, it was another reminder to us (like I said alraeady) that it's such a blessing to have her as our daughter. We thank God everyday for she wakes us up (she's our little alarm clock) at 7:30am and just throughout the day as she smiles when you walk into a room, letting you know she loves you so much, and when she giggles as we tickle her belly with our head (one of her favorite games), to the minute she falls asleep (about 7:30pm) with a kiss goodnite and an "I love you" as we lay her down. Our little love bug!!!

Note from Hannah: "I had so much fun with you, Papa and Nana, last week eating cookies, being cute while you cleaned up your house, and just letting you love on me. I love you soooo much and you better be coming back to see me soon, because soon I might be able to crawl after you! Love you Nana and Papa...make sure to call me alot!"

If you want a link to the pictures that we got taken on Thursday, just send me an email or message me on facebook!

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