Monday, November 10, 2008

Back From A Long...Pause!

Hello again! It's been a little while since our last post and I just wanted to update everyone on the family! A week or so does not seem long enough for a lot to happen but it most certainly has. Hannah is getting so big and has accomplished a lot in such a short period of time. She now knows how to say "ma ma" and "da da" (she says "ma ma" a lot more which is so weird because all we've said the past 3 months or so has been "da da"). She knows somewhat who is who, but it was so cute when this morning Trey walked into the room and she looked up at him and said "ma ma" very was hilarious! Also she's learning how to stand on her own and we're teaching her how to walk with assistance (that one is coming along) but she can stand up by herself holding onto the exersaucer for a couple of minutes! What a treat! The only thing that is scaring me is that she can get to one side of the room faster than you can say Hannah...and man does it give you a work out chasing after her (and remember this is all BEFORE she's goodness)!

Secondly, my brother Zach came to visit last week and what a joy it was to spend so much time with him. Because of Zach's church job he can't stay in town but a few days and normally there's so much family around that it's hard to just "talk" with him, but last week Trey, Hannah, and I all got to talk, play, and just have so much fun with him. And the best was when we got to enjoy a delicious dinner at the Hilton (thanks to mom and dad!) with Zach and hear him sing for the Pregnancy Resource Center Banquet. That was a special night! And don't worry Zach, Hannah had fun too-right now she doesn't like anyone, but she will again soon!

Thirdly and lastly an update on the baby! Noel is doing wonderful we pray! I'll start my 23rd week tomorrow and the pregnancy this time around has been so much easier on me. I think having a little one to run after and take care of helps keep my mind (most of the time) off of the "fun" pregnancy stuff (fun meaning pain and sickness). We're still praying about Noel's middle name, but we know that will come with time. God has tremendously blessed Trey and I with Hannah and we can't wait to meet Noel!

1 comment:

The Svoboda's said...

youre going to have to come back from another long pause if you wait much longer to blog again!